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When Do Fibroids Need To Be Treated?

Category: News

When do fibroids need to be treated? The answer is fairly straightforward. If the fibroids are asymptomatic, or cause you no issues, treatment is probably not needed. Whereas, if your fibroids cause you pain and other problems, treatments are available for you to choose from depending on the severity of the symptoms.

The Fibroid Mystery

According to the Office on Women’s Health, up to 80% of women have fibroids. Some women suffer intensely with uterine fibroid pain and excessive bleeding. Other women don’t even know they have these abnormal, benign growths in or on their uterus.

Fibroids will continue to grow until menopause, but it’s a mystery why some women experience symptoms and others do not.

Only You Know

When do fibroids need to be treated? You will know.

When you have excessive bleeding even between periods, when you have long and painful periods, and when you have to almost put life on hold when you are menstruating are just some of the signs it’s time to ask Dr. Denehy for some relief from all your symptoms.

Other symptoms include:

  • Painful intercourse
  • Enlarged or swollen abdomen
  • Pressure in your lower abdomen
  • Pain in the pelvis or lower back
  • Increase in urination

Common Treatments For Fibroids

OTC and prescription medicines can help to temporarily control bleeding and pain from fibroids but will not eliminate or shrink them.

Surgical intervention seems to be the most effective way to get relief.


Myomectomy is a surgical procedure to remove large numbers of fibroids. An incision is made in the abdomen for the removal of fibroids from the uterus. Recovery from this surgery is 4 to 6 weeks at home.

A less invasive laparoscopic myomectomy is performed using tiny incisions, a camera, and instruments to remove the fibroids. Recovery time is less and usually requires 2 to 4 weeks at home.

Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE)

UFE is a procedure which blocks blood from feeding the fibroids, and they, therefore, shrink and die. Most patients remain in the hospital overnight to control the initial pain after the procedure. Once released from the hospital, most women can return to normal activities within a week.


This newer minimally invasive treatment allows for the removal of the fibroids without touching the uterus. This myolysis procedure shrinks the fibroids using heat. At the same time cryolysis freezes the fibroids.

Healthy uterine tissue is preserved as it relieves the symptoms of fibroids. Not everyone is a good candidate for this procedure so talk with Dr. Denehy.

Endometrial Ablation

This procedure destroys the lining of the uterus to reduce bleeding from small fibroids.


For women who no longer wish to have children, a hysterectomy, or total removal of the uterus, can be performed. There is no chance the fibroids can return with this major surgery.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

You don’t need to bear the pain and other symptoms from fibroids. Contact Gyn Cancer & Pelvic Surgery in West Orange, NJ to discover your best treatment option.
